What is a Balance Breakthrough Session?

The Balance Breakthrough Session is a warm, one-on-one video call with Dr. Stephanie E. Reid, PhD

designed to help women bridge the gap between their current reality and desired reality.

During this heart-to-heart session, Dr. Stephanie listens closely to your wellness challenges, aspirations, and desires,

guiding you toward practical ways to reclaim balance and vitality.

This conversation is a safe, compassionate space dedicated to answering the most important question for women:

"How do I get my life back?"

Together, we'll discover tangible steps to achieve holistic balance and wellness.

45-min Balance Breakthrough Session

with a FREE Audio Book

Special Offer at $27.00

What can you explore through this Session?

Transdermal Optical ZYTO Remote Scan

Custom Wellness Courses

Detox Reboot Programs

Hair Tissue Analysis

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© 2024  •  Your Healing Place  •  Dr. Stephanie E. Reid, PhD